
€ 34,50



William Fitzsimmons (c) Stuart Smith
Barracuda Music präsentiert

William Fitzsimmons

The Sparrow and the Crow – 15th Anniversary | Support: James Bruner

Renowned indie-folk troubadour William Fitzsimmons is set to captivate EU/UK audiences with a special, intimate, tour celebrating the 15th anniversary of his iconic album The Sparrow and the Crow. In a musical journey from May 1 to May 16, Fitzsimmons will perform the album in its entirety for the first time ever in the EU/UK, promising a unique and nostalgic experience for fans across the continent.

The Sparrow and the Crow, released in 2008, marked a pivotal moment in Fitzsimmons' career, earning widespread acclaim for its emotional depth, soul-stirring lyrics, and melodic brilliance. Critics have hailed it as a masterpiece, with accolades underscoring the album's enduring impact.

The Washington Post called it a “...doleful but delicately lovely album”, while the Boston Herald added, “Powerfully heart-wrenching and yet so delicate you fear a breath might blow it right out of the CD player, singer-songwriter Fitzsimmons' chronicle of his divorce is a near-masterpiece. Recalling both the cornhusker folk-rock of early Joe Henry and the doomed intimacy of Nick Drake, "The Sparrow and the Crow" makes art and beauty out of tragedy without selling the tragedy short...”

To commemorate this milestone, Fitzsimmons has curated a setlist that will take listeners on a heartfelt journey through the album's tracks, revisiting the raw emotion and storytelling that have made it a timeless classic as well as performing other fan favorites.


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  • Abendkassa WUK: nach Verfügbarkeit, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien

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