
Fr 25.9. bis Sa 26.9.,
19:30 Uhr


€ 20 | 16 | 12 | 10



Performance, Tanz, TheaterPerformanceZeitgenössischer Zirkus

The Rhizomatic Circus Collective: disruption studies

staying with the fridge and other animals

Hardly any object is so firmly anchored in our households and accompanies our everyday life as casually and consistently as the refridgerator. This well-known, mostly white industrial product opens up private and collective areas. Told of isolation and intelligent objects, abundance and emptiness, thrift and waste, enjoyment and disgust, eating and being eaten, love and abstinence, gender and culture, life and its contamination...1,000 to 1 million microorganisms live on every square centimeter of a refrigerator.  The object mutates, reacts, changes meaning and form. The freezer drips. The world blurs.

This rhizomatic circus performance zooms into the interior of a refrigerator and moves into a wide field, together - alone, with many questions and few answers.  

Trigger Warning: You could find yourself confronted with exstatic electronic live music, hypnotic visual overload and at least one fridge, humans and other entities. 

re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator

re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator
re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator re fridge rator

Die Beteiligten

RHIZOMATIC CIRCUS COLLECTIVE ist ein fluides Kollektiv, in dem je nach Produktionsphase und kollektiven Prozessen zwischen 10 und 40 Personen tätig sind. Experimenteller zeitgenössischer Zirkus | Performance | Musik | digitale + analoge visuelle Kunst | werden zu einem interdisziplinären Gewebe verflochten. Rhizomatic kreiert seit 2016 genresprengende Produktionen. Das soziale Gefüge des Kollektivs, bildet das kreative Milieu in dem viele Menschen verschiedene Teile zusammenfügen, um gemeinsam performative Räume zu kreieren. Rhizomatic arbeitet auf diversen Ebenen, strebt in unterschiedliche Richtungen und bleibt trotzdem als bewegliches Geflecht verbunden. Es behält sich das Potenzial zu wuchern.

“dysruption studies - staying with the fridge and other animals” wurde von folgenden im Rhizomatic aktiven Menschen entwickelt, die sich auf diese Weise organisierten : Künstlerisches Konzept:  Nina Vobruba + Florian Botka, Projektionskonzept: resa lut + Maxenze, Dramaturgie: Johanna König + Nina Vobruba, Musik: Christian Eliasch + Sandro Nicoluzzi, Performance: Katharina Hofbauer, Johanna König, Andreas Demmelbauer, Gabriel Kraußhaar

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