Mo 14.9.2020,
19:30 Uhr
€ 5 | 10 | 15
PCCC* #15: Falling in Love
Birds do it, bees do it, people write songs about it and are in general pretty busy with it: Falling in love. We decided it’s time we talk about butterflies and not from a zoological point of view. What do they make us do? How do we keep control when they’ve taken over? What comes out of it once the swarms have passed our bellies?
It’s #15 and PCCC* is a legit teenager now at the peak of their emotional capacities! For you, Vienna's Queer Comedians will explore their infatuation with certain people, objects and ideas. Because even in times like these there's plenty to fall in love with. Yes, no, maybe? When we‘re celebrating springtime in autumn, you definitely want to come!
What is PCCC*?
Political Correctness doesn’t have to equal censorship – it could simply mean: Fun for more people. Denice Bourbon, the reigning Queen of Vienna’s Queer Backyard, will present comedic talent from all strands of the performing arts, as long as they are funny - half in GERMAN, halb auf ENGLISCH.
So oder so erinnern Veranstaltungen wie der PCCC* daran, wie politisch Humor eigentlich ist.
Amira Ben Saoud, Der Standard 17.12.2019

Über die Beteiligten
PCCC* is going beyond the cliché – again. You will hear punchlines that are 100 % free from “funny” accents, “men are like this“ (penis) and „women like this“ (shoes).
Aufgrund der COVID-19 Pandemie und der Vorgabe des Contact Tracing (Nachvollziehbarkeit wer zu welchem Zeitpunkt welche Veranstaltung besucht hat) können bis auf Widerruf Tickets ausschließlich online gekauft werden. Zusätzlich zu den geltenden Maßnahmen (Abstand, Hygiene, etc.) ist das Tragen einer MNS-Maske während der Vorstellung verpflichtend. Bitte lest euch unsere COVID-19 Präventionsmaßnahmen durch!
Montag, 14. September 2020, 19:30 Uhr
App ins WUK! Mit der Ticket Gretchen App noch schneller Tickets kaufen.
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