Fr 25.9. bis Sa 26.9.,
19:30 Uhr
€ 20 | 16 | 12 | 10
mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni, Hyeji Nam: Zensitive
Hyeji Nam and mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni’s new work Zensitive which has been developed through the year is again a meditative experience composed with sound, visual arts, body and breath, which brings the performers and the audience into the state of euphoria and dysphoria. It is composed with their previous works “papagkahiwalay ng mag espiritu“ [language: Tagalog] and 안의기억 (korean: an-ui gieog ≈ memory inside), emphasising the ritualistic aspect of bodies, bodies which are an object, a sculpture, an abstraction of emotions and perceptions. Zensitive is all about spacing the bodies by absorbing, balancing and transforming with the strengths outside of our physical form.

Die Beteiligten
Zensitive is a joint work of mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni und Hyeji Nam.
mirabella paidamwoyo dziruni is a multimedia artist transforming everyday experiences into abstract healing spaces. Their work revolves around positive body politics, Blackness, mental health, communal healing and queerness. Movement, sound, poetry, installation, fashion, painting and continuous energy exchange are the main components for theses complex creations.
Hyeji Nam is an interdisciplinary artist working with the themes related to literature, sexuality, social taboos and cultural history. Finishing her B.A.F at Korea University, Seoul, South Korea she has been working in Australia, Iceland and Norway, being based in Vienna, Austria. She produces performative films and has recently performed as part of the works from Ingri Fiksdal Diorama (2019) at brut Wien and Doris Uhlich Habitat / Halle E (2019) at Tanzquartier Wien. Recent projects are focused on inventing new presentation contexts and movement languages.