Di 21. bis Mi 22.9.2021,
19:30 Uhr
€ 20 | 16 | 10 | 12
Laura Stoll: dissect | attach
How do we relate to each other, how do we get attached? These questions have been of interest to psychoanalysis and more specifically attachment theory, researching how early experiences in relationships with others carve our behaviour for the rest of our lives. The performance dissect | attach has its starting point in these notions: How can attachment behaviour be measured in a person? And in which way does the act of being asked a question make us relate to others automatically?
Being part of a series of works dealing with medical and psychological questionnaires, the performance is a contemplation on scientific methods. The recontextualization of psychological questions puts a focus on the standardization they constitute as well as the normative quality they imply. How are we measured? And how do we measure ourselves?
At the same time, dissect | attach is an experiment conducted together with the audience. The performative quality of questioning and answering, or not answering, brings about a kind of friction. Every question can be a plea or a demand, with answers oscillating between triviality and confession. While looking for another, we might as well find we create and recreate ourselves in the process.
Aufzeichnung Livestream
Am 22. September 2021 haben wir beide Vorstellungen - jene von Laura Stoll und maria mercedes - sowie das anschließende Künstler_innengespräch als Livestream zur Verfügung gestellt, der hier weiter nachgesehen werden kann.

Die Beteiligten
Laura Stoll is a Vienna-based artist working in the fields of sculpture, installation and performance.
Born in Innsbruck, she acquired a degree in medicine at the Charité Berlin before doing an MA at the Art & Science program at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. In her projects, she is interested in philsophical thought systems, investigating medical and scientific methods and the way we conceptualize the world and ourselves as part of it.
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Du magst sowohl die Performance von Laura Stoll als auch jene von maria mercedes im Anschluss sehen? Dann hol' dir unser Kombiticket!
Kolleg_innen, Studierende und Inhaber_innen eines Kulturpasses melden sich mit ihren Kartenwünsche sowie einem Scan oder Foto des gültigen Ausweises bitte bei performingarts@wuk.at.