Do 25.6.2020
18.00 Uhr
Europavox On Air
Thursday, June 25th, from 6 pm to midnight: This date was underlined in our calendars. Thursday, June 25th, at 6 p.m.: the time that the Europavox festival should have opened its doors for the 15th edition, on Place du 1er Mai in Clermont-Ferrand. We were ready, our partners enthusiasts, and thousands of festivalgoers already in the starting blocks.
Only, the pandemic happened, and in line with the measures to contain it, the event had to be postponed to 2021. However, even with requirements to keep our distance, it was impossible not to get all together at the end of June. Therefore, the festival team, along with its friends and partners, wishes to offer a rendez-vous around some exceptional music programming, for one night.
This broadcast has been conceived as a great journey, faithful to Europavox’s DNA: a bridge between Europe and Auvergne, between the European scene and the regional scene, mixing intimate interviews by JD Beauvallet, renowned French journalist, and concerts recorded in exceptional settings, alternating styles, personalities and emotions with a line-up gathering together 20 artists.
This exceptional program will be widely broadcast on social media on Thursday, June 25th, from 6 p.m. to midnight (CET). Nothing will substitute the intensity of live music, nor the thrills of the crowd, but it will not prevent us from experiencing the music in unison.
- Afrodelic (LT)
- Comme John (FR)
- Da Break (FR)
- Glauque (BE)
- H.O.P.E [Collective] (FR/IT)
- JoyCut (IT)
- La Grande Chorale De La Coopé (FR)
- Marina Satti (GR)
- Morgane Imbeaud (FR)
- Romane Santarelli (FR)
- R R O B I N (FR)
- Suzane (FR)
- The Doug (FR)
- Thomas KAHN (FR)
- ŽEN (HR)