Fr 12.4.2019
20.00 Uhr
€ TBA (zzgl. VVK-Gebühren)
Christian Löffler live + Janus Rasmussen live
Christian Löffler has always been driven by a desire to be creative. In his early teens he would draw and dabble in painting, trying to capture if not a specific feeling, then the essence of something. An ideal. Something profound. "Still, today, it’s the same feeling that drives me, and it makes no difference what I use for it, whether it is music or paint.," he explains.
"Graal (Prologue)", his new project, utilises both, but it was not born solely of his creative urges. It also stems from frustration, and a sense that while touring he no longer had the mental space or down time to let his creativity flourish. Following an intense period of live concerts, where his music felt stagnated Löffler would find himself solely focussed on visual art – painting, drawing, and "some video stuff", but absolutely no music. This return to his roots reminded him how it felt when he first started making music, and allowed him to "turn off my brain a bit, especially thoughts about what is possible or not". In other words, it gave him freedom.