
Fr 4. bis Sa 5.11.2022,
19:30 Uhr


€ 20 | 15 | 10



© Franzi Kreis
Performance, Tanz, TheaterPerformance

Luigi Guerrieri: FLOWERS

Ein Projekt von FUORI - Verein für performative Kunst

FLOWERS celebrates the absurdity and uselessness of the eternal pursuit of happiness.
FLOWERS questions the enfleshed cultural concept of wellbeing. 
FLOWERS is about flowers.
FLOWERS is a political statement towards the capitalistic industry of happiness and wellbeing.
FLOWERS is an artistic and ethnographic experiment involving artists/experts form other fields.
FLOWERS creates a space to jump also without joy, to do and say stupid things, to be a flower.
FLOWERS questions the dictatorship of happiness and wellbeing.

Starting from the three sayings: “to jump for joy”, “to be grounded” and “to blossom like a flower”, the goal is to apply these expressions line for line, stretching to the paroxysm the desire to feel good. I jump, bounce, crawl on the floor and blossom excessively during the whole performance.

FLOWERS does not question the benefits of wellbeing, it questions the power of cultural and commercial mechanisms that lead to institutionalise concepts like wellbeing. We are talking about a vicious circle where economy, institutions, multinationals and cultural systems legitimise each other producing and reproducing discourses that reinforce the dictatorship of happiness.

The crucial point that we must not omit approaching these thematics is that wellbeing and happiness are emotional states, feelings. Institutionalising and commercialising a feeling, brought us to fearfully mix up concepts like roots, belonging, the self, self-made, richness, success, individualism. We are objectifying something that is highly subjective. 

We are forgetting that the pursuit of happiness is sometimes a privilege in itself!

Let’s question these privileges form the scratch!

The creation process of the performance was supported by the collaboration with a Research Group formed by two architects, two performers, one florist, one musician and a visual artist gardener. We confronted ourself on the topic of wellbeing through the lens of our different expertises sharing, exchanging and discussing.


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The priviledge of beeing happy

Luigi Guerrieri über "FLOWERS"

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Die Beteiligten

FUORI - wild, draußen, unlogisch - is a platform founded by Luigi Guerrieri and Christina Rauchbauer in 2020.

We look for FUORI combining our cultural anthropological and physical background with artistic research.
We speak FOURI, as a platform of artists with common goals and multiple ways of expression. We support each other structurally and artistically.
We work FUORI and question cultural and social concepts, by involving people in participatory processes.
We act FUORI, connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds, stretching meeting points of social norms.
We bring FUORI to the cultural periphery, in theatrical and public spaces.
We are FUORI and engaged. We are political and politically incorrect. Wir mischen uns ein, bleiben nicht draußen!

Luigi Guerrieri is a performance artist with a background in cultural anthropology based in Vienna. His works focuses on the meeting point between movement, improvisation and storytelling, combining academic and artistic research. In his projects he often questions strong enfleshed cultural concepts such as hegemonic masculinity or literally applies common sayings like “son of a bitch”.




Mit der Saison 2022 | 2023 führen wir ein Wahlpreissystem ein. Das heißt, ihr, unser Publikum, entscheidet selbst, wie viel ihr zahlen könnt. Zur Auswahl stehen € 20, € 15 und € 10. Weitere Informationen zu unserem Wahlpreissystem findest du hier.

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Inhaber_innen eines Kulturpasses melden sich mit ihren Kartenwünsche sowie einem Scan oder Foto des gültigen Ausweises bitte bei performingarts@wuk.at.

Die Abendkassa öffnet eine halbe Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn.


Die Performance dauert ca. 60 Minuten ohne Pause.
Die Vorstellung ist in englischer Lautsprache, in Teilen Deutsch, Italienisch, Französisch.
Es wird Nebel eingesetzt.
Es wird Momente mit Stroboskoplicht geben.
In der Performance ist Nacktheit zu sehen.
Für das Publikum stehen Sitzplätze auf Sesseln ohne Armlehnen zur Verfügung.
Das WUK ist gut mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu erreichen (U6, Straßenbahn 37, 38, 40, 41, 42).
Der Zugang zum Projektraum ist stufenlos über einen Aufzug möglich, es gibt eine Toilette mit Haltegriffen.
Es stehen zwei Rollstuhlplätze zur Verfügung.

Bei allen Fragen erreichst du uns unter performingarts@wuk.at oder das Infobüro unter 01 401 210

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