Mi 24.8.2016
18.30 Uhr
KEX Studio
Dome of Visions

Björn Norberg : Art & Science

Björn Norberg : Art & Science
Vortrag & studio exhibition
Mittwoch, 24.August 2016, 19.30 Uhr 
(doors open from 18:30 for the exhibition, talk starts at 19:30)
KEX Studio

(Vortrag in englischer Sprache) 

„I will describe my work in different research projects where I have been part of transdisciplinary research teams. I will talk about my experience of working with scientists and engineers from different disciplines, from biology to nano-technology. I will also talk about three current projects I have been working on here in Vienna and show a small exhibition of the results. One of the projects is a book I am making together with Swedish artist Mattias Bäcklin and we will show some works that belong to the book and studies and results from an excursion we have made just outside Vienna."  

Björn Norberg is a curator based in Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden. He has been active since the mid 1990’s and his main interest has been focused on the intersection of art and science and art and technology. He is currently curator at the Dome of Visions, run in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology, board member of The Nordic Art Association Swedish Section and Filmform and has several free-lance commissions, including a larger exhibition for the art gallery Färgfabriken in 2018. Between 2000 and 2005 he was curator at nonTVTVstation, an Internet based digital TV-station and in between 2005-2010 at Mejan Labs, a gallery run as a collaboration between the Royal Institute of Art and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm. He was project manager at Bonniers Konsthall from 2010 to 2015. He has curated exhibitions at institutions such as Kiasma in Helsinki, Museet For Samtidskunst in Roskilde and Moderna Museet in Stockholm. He has lectured frequently at both technological and art universities in Sweden and abroad. 
Norberg is researcher in residency at KEX Studio in July / August 2016 and was invited in collaboration with the platform tsnoK, Sweden.