WUK Education and Counselling

At 9 locations in Vienna and Lower Austria, 11 facilities and projects support more than 5000 women and men with their entry into the labour market every year.
Counselling and Information
A|B|O Jugend (A|B|O Youth)
A|B|O Youth supports young jobseekers between 15 and 21 years with practical counselling tailored to their needs – from career choice to job application training. In addition to focused guidance in the search for education and employment, participants are offered diverse workshops to help them prepare for their new career. A|B|O Youth is a cooperation project between WUK and ÖSB Consulting GmbH.
Bildungsberatung in Wien (Educational Guidance in Vienna)
For individuals 21 years and above, WUK Educational Guidance in Vienna offers group counselling services for education entry and orientation as well as one-on-one counselling to clarify personal questions. Competence+Counselling Workshops help participants discover their individual strengths.
Coaching and Job Assistance for Youth
WUK Arbeitsassistenz (Job Assistance)
WUK Job Assistance helps the disabled and disadvantaged to find a job and with problems in their current work positions. Advice is offered to companies on the development of internal support structures and financial support benefits. Cooperation partners are assisted in the development of CSR measures.
WUK CoachingPlus
WUK CoachingPlus offers coaching for youth and young adults with psychic impairments or Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as students in “Kooperationsklassen” up to the age of 24 years. Additionally, young people can choose from different group programmes, and we provide social worker support and therapeutic assistance. WUK CoachingPlus is also partner for regional youth coaching projects.
WUK faktor.c
WUK faktor.c provides youth coaching and assistance to disabled youth and students of special needs education centres in Vienna on their personal and job related way after secondary school. WUK factor.c is also partner for other projects working with disabled youth.
WUK Jugendcoaching West (Youth Coaching West)
WUK Youth Coaching West is the regional youth coaching project for the Viennese districts 5-9 and 16-19. WUK Youth Coaching West offers advice and support for students above the 9th compulsory school year and youth up to the age of 19 who are not in apprenticeship/education. With the 3-step offer participants can get individual support.
Education, Qualification, and Employment
WUK aut.fit
As a competence center for autism, work, and education, WUK aut.fit supports young people up to the age of 34 diagnosed within the autism spectrum in their inclusion in employment and education.The offer includes individual intensive coaching lasting up to 2 years and specialized training tailored to the target group to prepare entering into the labour market.
WUK bio.pflanzen
Social agriculture creates jobs for long-term unemployed people aged 24 to 60 in the biological production of ornamental plants and herbs and in the cultivation of green spaces. WUK bio.pflanzen provides 30 age and performance-based transitional jobs, professional guidance and support, as well as targeted further education and social work support.
WUK construct
The WUK construct basic education course offers refugee youth and young adults from 15 years of age an opportunity to attain the competences needed to participate in compulsory education programmes in Austria. In the framework of customised modules for small groups the participants receive individual support and socio-pedagogical assistance.
WUK m.power
The WUK m.power course for secondary school completion exams offers youth aged 16 to 25 the opportunity to conclude the examination. Participation is open to youth who must complete the entire eighth grade as well as to those who only require examinations in individual subjects.
WUK work.space
WUK work.space is an education-fit programme, an offer for adolescents and young adults who are seeking support for their further educational or professional training after completing their
compulsory education.
Legal entities in charge
Bundesweite Koordinierungsstelle AusBildung bis 18 (Austrian Coordinating Office “Education until 18”)
BundesKOST is an information hub for education until 18 years of age and the transition from school to profession. Its objective is to coordinate and improve cooperation between the relevant stakeholders in Austria.
Koordinierungsstelle Wien Ausbildung–Beruf (Coordination Office Vienna Education–Career)
The Coordinating Office Education–Career coordinates activities related to the transition from school to professional life for the professional integration of disabled, disadvantaged, and potential socially excluded youth in Vienna up to the age of 24 years.
Koordinierungsstelle Wien AusBildung bis 18 Wien (Coordinating Office Vienna “Education until 18”)
On behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, the Coordination Office “Education until 18” Vienna supports the implementation of the compulsory education law in Vienna.
Selbstvertretungszentrum für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten (Self-Empowerment Centre for Persons with Learning Difficulties)
The Self-Empowerment Centre offers persons with learning difficulties opportunities to enhance their self-empowerment. The centre communicates its interests through the organisation of events and participation in political forums. It is cooperatively run by persons with learning disabilities and supporting staff.
For more information about our guiding principles, equality policy, impact orientation etc. visit our German page.
Contact Persons
Geschäftsleitung Bildung und Beratung

Kommunikation & Digitalisierung

Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Bildung und Beratung

Gebäude- und Bauprojektmanagement

Assistenz der Geschäftsleitung
