Open Workshops, Studios, Artists
18 groups and individual artists, 12 workshops, 9 studios.
The workshop area sees itself both as a field for experimentation and a production centre for traditional handicraft techniques and skills as well as for innovative interdisciplinary artistic-artisanal projects.
- Akemi Takeya
- Andreas Strauss
- Arauco
- Charles Anthony Greengrow
- Heinrich Dunst
- Austria Filmmakers Cooperative
- Bildhauerei
- Buch- und Papiergestaltung
- Fahrrad.Selbsthilfe.Werkstatt
- LumenX-Labor
- Miriam Meadows
- Motorradwerkstatt
- Offene Keramikwerkstatt
- Produktgestaltung
- Textilwerkstatt
- Tiefdruckwerkstatt
- Werkstatt für Holz und Design
- Craftwerk
- Lym Moreno
- KEX Residenz
- Zeitzoo