New Model Army (c) Tina Korhonen

€ 36,00



New Model Army (c) Tina Korhonen

New Model Army

Support: Tausend Rosen

New Model Army have announced their 16th studio album ‘Unbroken’ to be released in 2024 alongside a huge tour of European and UK dates.

The band started writing the album in 2021 against a backdrop of everything that is happening in a fast-changing world and in their own lives. They decided early on that their number one choice to mix the new album would be the legendary Tchad Blake who accepted, and now says “Not much hits me as genuine these days. New Model Army hits it for me. Wonderfully recorded and produced by the band themselves, mixing this album felt like a gift.” Full of guitars, searing vocals and with the emphasis on bass and drums which characterizes all their work, Unbroken sounds a lot like New Model Army, but different again.

Formed in Bradford in 1980, New Model Army are storming through their fifth decade and show no signs of letting up. They recently released a live double concert album ‘Sinfonia’ in September 2023 – a unique performance recorded with the Sinfonia Leipzig Orchestra at the Tempodrom venue in Berlin. The new studio album ‘Unbroken’ is out 26 January 2024.


Barrierefrei für Rollstuhlfahrer_innen – um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
Veranstalter: Barracuda Music GmbH

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