KEX Open



Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Kunsthalle Exnergasse

19892019 KEX OPEN

A Programme Series on the occasion of thirty year anniversary

Selected exhibition titles from thirty years of the Kunsthalle Exnergasse form the departure point for a series of KEX Open events from September to December 2019. Each event is dedicated to one title and organised into three parts: a prologue, an artistic intervention, and an informal conclusion. In the prologue a representative of the respective past exhibition is invited to introduce his or her position. In the artistic intervention an artist—independent from the particular exhibition—is invited to reflect upon this title in the Kunsthalle Exnergasse, to negotiate it with a spatial, installative, and/or performative strategy. The titles can be interpreted as a question or answer, as phrases, guidelines, slogans, or simply as a combination of letters. Directly or indirectly, they transport the discourse held in the Kunsthalle Exnergasse over the years, be it about art, artistic production and the art system, or political, economic, and philosophical questions. The series will start with the prologue at PARALLEL VIENNA and will conclude with the epilogue —an evening with many guests & actions, finissage & party.

With contributions by Theodora Bauer, Cäcilia Brown, Nicolò Degiorgis, Carola Dertnig and Stefanie Seibold, Raphaela Edelbauer, Eva Egermann, Natascha Gangl, G.R.A.M., Reni Hofmüller, Nabila Irshaid, Ernst Logar, Barbi Markovic, Michail Michailov, Lina Morawetz, Maria Muhar, Isin Önol, Fritz Ostermayer, Judith Nika Pfeifer, Sasha Pirker, Lisl Ponger, Gerald Raunig, Sophie Reyer, Christine Schöffler and Peter Blakeney, Dietmar Schwärzler, Olia Sosnovskaya, Michael Strasser, Katharina Tiwald, Kay Walkowiak, Anna Weidenholzer, WHW, Barbara Zeman a.o.

A cooperation with vienna poetry school

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Call for Proposals

Annual call for exhibition projects at KEX

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