Fr 18.11.2016
4.30 pm Hrs
Kunsthalle Exnergasse
A Grin Without Marker
November 18, 2016, 4:30 pm
A Grin Without Marker
Reading by Filipa César
Screening of her film “Cacheu” (16 mm film transferred to HD, colour, sound, 10 min, 2012)
Epistolary fadings keep flashing moments of danger. An assemblage of ruined celluloid and magnetic tape got transferred into digital matter. A map of a ciné-archeology of solidarity and alliances beamed through the lenses, into the light. Transmissions from African liberation movements. Irrelevancies. Humbleness. Flaschenpost. A projectile accompanied for an instant in its never accomplished flight — an aeronautic drive, a subject matter for a nomadology. Ungraspable. An abdication of history.
In this performative reading Filipa César will unravel the process and working methodology that led her to her film “Cacheu”. César is an artist and filmmaker interested in the fictional aspects of the documentary praxis, the porous borders between cinema and its reception, and the economies, politics, and poetics inherent to moving image. Since 2011 Filipa César has been investigating the origins of militant cinema in Guinea-Bissau, its imaginaries and potencies, and developing the research into the collective project “Luta ca caba inda” (The Struggle Is Not Over Yet).
In cooperation with Vienna Art Week 2016.
Supporting programme of the exhibition search form.