Fr 4.3.2016
6.30 pm Hrs
Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Jirí Skála, “One Family of Objects, after the book” – performance
March 4, 2016 at 6.30 pm
Jirí Skála, “One Family of Objects, after the book” - performance
For the finissage of the exhibition artist Jirí Skála will organize a choreographic reading of extracts of his book “One Family of Objects”. The book describes the social and economic transformations taking place in the Czech Republic in the past 20 years through the metamorphosing relationship of workers and their machines.
In cooperation with
In the framework of:
Everything in nature has a lyrical essence, a tragic fate, a comic existence
Exhibition: until March 5, 2016
Artists: Mounira Al Solh | Riccardo Giacconi | Sara Jordenö | Alice Kok | Mladen Miljanović | Jiří Skála | Pavel Sterec and Vasil Artamonov
Curated by Valerio Del Baglivo
This is not a historical exhibition, nor an exhibition about history. It is rather an anthology of existences of non-illustrious men, united with each other by the intrinsic banality (and nevertheless familiarity) of the narrated facts. With innovative and personal approaches Everything in nature has a lyrical essence, a tragic fate, a comic existence examines the role of the artist as a biographer by addressing the dilemma of every writer: What are the most meaningful moments of an entire existence, which are worth being handed down?
The exhibition is inspired by two books: Giuseppe Pontiggia’s Lives of Non-Illustrious Men, an anthology of short biographies of fictional characters, and Michel Foucault’s The Life of Infamous Men, a collection of short descriptions of the lives of vicious men who have been interned. The exhibition aims to metaphorically continue this narration but introduces a significant difference: Rather than replicating the bleak and documentary styles of the above authors, the selected artists conceive any kinds of stratagem, tricks, and jokes to render these lives memorable.