
Th 13.9.2012 - Th 25.10.2012
1.00 pm - 6.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

COLLIDING WORLDS. Nodes of Mobility and Networks of Transient Communities


Opening: September 12, 2012, 7pm

Artists: Katharina Copony (AT/DE), Josef Dabernig (AT), Michael Hieslmair (AT) & Michael Zinganel (AT), Carolin Hirschfeld  (DE), Heimo Lattner (AT/DE), Plinio Avila Marquez (DE/MX), Christoph Oertli (CH/B), Adrian Paci (IT), Barthelemy Toguo (FR/US/CM), Ingo Vetter (DE) & Annette Weisser (DE/US), Anna Witt (AT/DE)

Curated by Michael Hieslmair

If our everyday is shaped by multilocality – cyclically recurring brief stays at different places and the travel in-between them – then stations and nodes increasingly become important liminoid sites of mobility. Wherever people enter, exit, or transfer, and mobility flows break down for whatever reason, worlds collide and breed multilocal (protagonist) networks of recurring temporary communities.
COLLIDING WORLDS brings together artists whose work investigates places and social systems of a highly globalised and internationally networked mobility culture and attempt, by way of example, to represent the connected consequences for the protagonists and how they use their environment. The contributions address changes in the socio-spatial reference systems on the microlevel, whereas on the macrolevel, they focus on the economic and political transformation processes that become effective in connection with a globalised movement of goods and people.

A series of talks accompanying the exhibition will take place in cooperation with Depot Wien and Kunsthalle Exnergasse. Please visit  http://tracingspaces.net/ for information and dates on the series of talks and guided tours led by the curator.

Mapping Mobilities.
Interdisciplinary series of talks 2012 – 2013

Aus Anlass der Ausstellung COLLIDING WORLDS. Nodes of Mobility and Networks of Transient Communities in der Kunsthalle Exnergasse und dem laufenden Forschungsprojekt TERMINALS. Haltepunkte und Netzwerkknoten vorübergehender Gemeinschaften stellt die neue Vortragsreihe Referenzprojekte zu unterschiedlichen Theorien, inhaltlichen Schwerpunkten und Methoden künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Forschens vor, die „Kartographien“ transnationaler Mobilität und Migration zum Inhalt haben.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012, 7 pm, Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070 Wien:
Michael Hieslmair/Michael Zinganel: Stop and Go. Eine Einführung in Theorien und Methoden der „Kartographie“ transnationaler Mobilitäts- und Migrationsströme
Ursula Biemann: Sahara Chronicles. Ein Videoessay zu innovativen Widerstandspraktiken und migratorischer Selbstbestimmung

Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 7 pm, Kunsthalle Exnergasse:
Emi Karaboeva: “All are equal but some are more…”. The socialist international truck drivers and the social implications of their mobility lifestyle
Jörg Karrenbauer/Rimini Protokoll: Cargo Sofia-X. Eine europäische LastKraftWagen-Fahrt als gelebtes räumliches Modell für orts-spezifische Erkundungen entlang der Warenströme
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Veranstaltet von Michael Zinganel und Michael Hieslmair für tracingspaces in Kooperation mit dem depot und Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Die Reihe wird gefördert von Bmukk, Abt. 7, interdisziplinäre Kulturprojekte
Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
Land Oberösterreich, Institut für Kunst und Volkskultur

Info and dates: http://tracingspaces.net/mapping-mobilities/