We 10.9.2008 - Fr 10.10.2008
kex—kunsthalle exnergasse
Opening: Wed 10.09.2008, 7pm
Symposium and Book Presentation: Sat 11.10.2008, 2pm - 6pm
Artists: Werner Feiersinger, Andreas Fogarasi, Martino Gamper, Krüger + Pardeller, Gregor Neuerer, PAUHOF + Walter Niedermayr, Nicole Six + Paul Petritsch
Concept: Krüger + Pardeller
The project focuses on intersection points and addresses the themes of space and spatial design in the light of an expanded and dynamic understanding of space. Above all, the borderline between these disciplines is of interest. In all three of these fields, there are questions about the treatment of space, the relationship between functionality and aesthetics, the usability and the usage, the marketing strategies. However, despite the apparent similarities between these disciplines, they are clearly different in their specific manifestations and answers to such questions. 
In the context of an interdisiciplinary project, the common ground will be first be defined to enable concrete reactions from each discipline on the others’ work fields in a subsequent step. The exhibition will ultimately present the outcome of the experiment. The result will be models, sketches, photography, sculptural objects or prototypes and they will all, even simply due to their authorship and development process, oscillate between the disciplines.