1. Scope of application
- The following General Terms And Conditions (GTC) are effective for all business relations via the online shop of WUK Verein zur Schaffung offener Kultur- und Werkstättenhäuser (WUK) on www.wuk.at and in the WUK Information office.
- Online orders are exclusively received on the basis of these GTC; the same applies for ticket sales in the information office. Possible business or purchasing conditions of the customer are not recognised.
- In the event that individual points of these sales and delivery conditions are void this does not affect the validity of the remaining conditions and the contractual agreements based upon them. The parties will agree upon an applicable clause in place of the void clause, which comes closest to its meaning and purpose.
- Alterations or subsidiary agreements require the written consent and confirmation of an authorised WUK representative and are solely valid for the individual business case.
- The GTC are valid for the sale of tickets for the events offered on the website www.wuk.at and tickets for events that can be purchased in the WUK information office.
2. Conclusion of the contract
- The contract is always concluded between the customer and WUK.
- The contract, ordering and business language is German.
- In the online shop on www.wuk.at the customer’s offer to conclude a contract takes place by correctly submitting and sending the order with the customer’s address as well as the correct submission and sending of all necessary data for payment (required fields are marked with a *).
- In the WUK information office during the opening hours, from 3:00 to 8:00 pm from Monday to Sunday, the contract is concluded when the paid tickets are provided by WUK in exchange for the corresponding cash amount from the customer.
Ticket sales for same-day events ends in the information office at 6:00 pm.
With orders in the online shop on www.wuk.at the customer will receive a confirmation email from WUK, which solely informs the customer that the order has been received. The submission of a correct email address is necessary. The confirmation of receipt is not yet an admission statement and does not indicate anything about the availability of the ordered service.
A contract about the delivery of the event services first comes into being when WUK confirms the order per email after having verified the availability and authorisation of the payment withdrawal with the credit card company or bank submitted in the ordering process.
In the ordering process in the online shop on www.wuk.at the following steps lead to the conclusion of a contract:
1. Selection of event and number of tickets
2. Submission of personal data, selection of payment method and agreement with the GTC
3. Verification of data and placement of order
4. Email from WUK confirming reception of the order
5. A binding confirmation of admission by WUK (after verification of availability and bank authorisation)
In the ordering process in the WUK information office the following steps lead to the conclusion of a contract:
1. Selection of event and number of tickets
2. The customer provides the cash amount stated on the ticket price to WUK
3. WUK provides the customer with the purchased tickets.
3. Prices and Fees
Only the prices published on www.wuk.at are valid; in the information office the prices stated there are valid. The prices in the online shop and in the information office can differ. WUK has the right to change the prices up to the point of admission confirmation. In the event that the admission confirmation indicates a different price, this is a new offer for the event affected by the price change, which requires a confirmation email from the customer. The respective handling fee and the legally set sales tax are already included in the published prices.
4. Payment conditions
Upon conclusion of the contract the total price of the order including all fees is immediately due. With online purchases the payment is withdrawn on the day of the completed booking via the electronic payment method selected by the customer (EPS online transfer, or credit card: VISA, MasterCard, American Express; provider of the payment transaction: eventjet). WUK does not assume any liability for any damages or losses caused by a sale not authorised by the bank or credit card company.
With purchases made in the information office there is a direct exchange of money for tickets. These tickets are also valid as an official receipt. If desired, corporate customers can receive a receipt per post.
5. Shipment conditions
Tickets acquired over the website www.wuk.at can be picked up at the box office on the day of the event upon presentation of the confirmation email or the order code and official photo identification of the customer. It is not possible to receive the tickets by postal delivery.
With tickets purchased in the information office, it is possible to enter the event directly on the day of the event.
6. Right of return, exchange, cancellation
The return and exchange of tickets already purchased in the online shop is excluded.
Refunds for unclaimed, partially claimed (e.g. due to arrival after the begin of the selected event) or lost tickets are not provided.
In the case of the cancellation of the event the ticket price will be transferred back to the customer when the ticket was purchased in the WUK online shop. If the ticket was purchased at an advanced booking office, the ticket can be returned there, however attention should be paid to the different deadlines and conditions for return of the individual booking offices.
In the case of the cancellation of the event tickets purchased in the WUK information office can be returned there in exchange for the corresponding cash amount latest on the day of the event at 6:00pm.
When an event is rescheduled to a new date or a new venue, the ticket remains valid. In the event the customer cannot attend the event on the new date, this must be announced up to the point of the original date; the ticket price will be transferred back hereafter, when the ticket was purchased in the WUK online shop.
If the ticket was purchased in the WUK information office the ticket can be returned there in exchange for the corresponding cash amount latest on the day of the event at 6:00pm.
7. Data Privacy
All data submitted by the customer in the online shop is automatically encoded (SSL TLS) in the transfer process and treated as confidential. The customer accepts that their electronically submitted data will be electronically processed for the purpose of concluding the contract. The customer gives their consent for the electronic archiving and processing of their data. The customer is aware that this consent may be withdrawn at any time.
8. General information about visiting an event
- Upon admission to an event at WUK the visitor accepts the house rules.
- The conditions stated in the municipal “Veranstaltungsgesetz” (event law), “Veranstaltungs(stätten)gesetz” (law for event spaces), and “Jugendschutzgesetz” (youth protection law) are applicable.
- Bringing along dangerous or disturbing items as well as animals is not allowed. Contravention justifies dismissal from the event.
- A general smoking ban is in effect at all events as well as in all public spaces of the building. Upon non-compliance of the instructions of the personnel, the smoker will be asked to leave the event space. In case of recurrence, renewed access to the event can be denied without claim to compensation for the ticket price.
- Sound, film, and video recordings as well as photography are only permitted upon prior authorisation by WUK. Event visitors expressly acknowledge that documentation made in the framework of the event can subsequently be used and distributed without compensation or exception.
- Outerwear, umbrellas and bags are to be left in the cloakroom.
- The use of mobile telephones during a performance is not allowed.
- The liability of the event organiser is limited to deliberate action and gross negligence, except in the case of personal injury.
August 2019 Version