
Su 22.9.2024
2.00 pm - 10.00 pm Hrs


KEX Dependance am Zukunftshof

Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Zukunfts(T)räume des Dorfplatzes

A project with Marie Filippovits, Lena Heinschink, Viktoria Hilbert, Janina Hoffmann, Pauline Hosse-Hartmann, Tutku Kocabaş, Henriette Mauritz Nordbeck, Flores Paul, Salphinah Savin, Lin Wolf, Ida Zahradnik

“The Zukunftshof should become a neighbourhood meeting place and an integral village and marketplace” reads the “participate” section of the Zukunftshof Rothneusiedl website. A group of students and graduates from Site-Specific Art, University of Applied Arts Vienna are exploring this vision from May to September. “What does the future hold for the village square?” This question is transferred to the Zukunftshof to investigate possible scenarios for the place itself, its surroundings, and its history. The place and its people should be encountered in a way that is not exploitative or invasive, rather the aim is to create a multifaceted shared space that accommodates the different perspectives, users, and needs of the “village”.

The knowledge and issues gathered over the past few months will be further elaborated and articulated over the course of a week in September. What has emerged, or is yet to come, be it questions, insights, works, or traces, should help us to collectively tackle the (artistic) activation of the village square. On Sunday September 22, 2024 – the programme of this final day will be determined in the preceding week – also the public is invited to participate and actively contribute to the project.

In cooperation with the Institute of Site-Specific Art, University of Applied Arts Vienna

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Der KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE Newsletter informiert im Schnitt zweimal monatlich über das aktuelle Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsprogramm in Kunsthalle Exnergasse und KEX Studio.