25.1. - 9.3.2024
kex—kunsthalle exnergasse
Foto: KEX/Wolfgang Thaler
Unpacking Stories
Unpacking Stories #1
Wed 21.2.2024, 7 – 9 pm
Unpacking Stories #2
Sat 9.3.2024, from 2 pm
In the 35 years of its existence, Kunsthalle Exnergasse has accumulated a lot of forgotten, abandoned, and donated items: materials, artworks, things that can still be used. What knowledge does this random collection convey about the (hi)stories of the Kunsthalle and about the people who helped write it? What alternative stories might these packaged objects tell?
Together with artist Seth Weiner, curator Georgia Holz develops a speculative spatial narrative for this collection. In the framework of a collective action, the objects will be unpacked together with the audience, possible narrative threads unfold, and buried stories rise to the surface.
Georgia Holz is a trained art historian and works as freelance curator, author and editor. She is Senior Scientist at the Department of Site-Specific Art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Previously she worked at the Generali Foundation and Kunsthalle Wien. Her curatorial interests focus on making visible the "unknown and unseen", such as feminist art history and the questioning of hegemonic narratives. She is currently researching artistic methods and speculative strategies using the archives as its site.
Seth Weiner
Often containing performance and proposal simultaneously, Seth Weiner’s work employs a wide range of media in which he explores the gaps between architectural fiction and social convention to create both actual and imagined spatial environments. Since 2018, Weiner has been the Artistic Director of Palais des Beaux Arts Wien, a post-digital nonprofit that serves as a mobile place of remembrance and projection for what was lost during National Socialism.