We 3.5.2023
6.00 pm Hrs
Historical photo of Quetzalcoatl stone head embedded in the colonial building of the Museum of the City, México City
KunstAllgemeinGesellschaft & PolitikDiskussion
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

To make what disappears, appear again

Lecture Symposium

During many periods of domination and colonization, different cultures have used images, texts and sound as their codes to dialogue with that which has been lost and, at the same time, to question that which has been imposed by force. 
This dialectic between what has disappeared and what is hidden waiting to reappear, has pushed certain groups to create strategies to reinvent their forms of self-representation, and to reinsert them into the subjectivity in order to coexist as a form of survival. 
Some artists and certain artistic practices mirror themselves within these dialectics, doing, undoing and redoing these historical moments, as a way of questioning and resisting the cultural identity crises derived from these conflicts.

Citlali Gómez 
Pavel Naydenov
Frida Robles
Erik Tlaseca 

Talk moderated by Brigitte Felderer

/   Dentro de diversos periodos de dominación y colonización, diferentes culturas han empleado imágenes, textos y sonido como códigos para dialogar con aquello que se ha perdido, y a su vez, cuestionar aquello impuesto por la fuerza. 
Esta dialéctica entre lo que ha desaparecido y lo que se encuentra escondido esperando reaparecer, ha empujado a ciertos grupos a crear estrategias para reinventar sus formas de autorepresentación, y volverlas a reinsertar dentro de la subjetividad para coexistir como una forma de sobrevivencia. 
Algunos artistas y ciertas prácticas artísticas se espejean dentro de estas dialécticas, haciendo, deshaciendo y rehaciendo estos momentos históricos, como una forma de cuestionar y resistir a las crisis de identidad cultural derivadas de estos conflictos.

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