18.6. - 19.7.2025
Kunsthalle Exnergasse
The Atlas
Artists / Musicians: Ilan Volkov, Isa Rosenberger, Timo Tuhkanen, Bronwyn Lace, Yane Calovski, Hristina Ivanoska
Curated by Basak Senova
Key Contributing Researcher: David Chisholm
The Atlas is an artistic research project that maps out a comparative analysis between curating and conducting. It aims to discover new ways of perceiving creative mechanisms in contemporary art (curated after 2000) and concert music (conducted after 2000). While the research investigates the performative functions of these two disciplines, its theoretical framework includes concepts of interactive, inter-relational, and participant knowledge. The Atlas bridges research and practice by correlating knowledge generated from clustered data. An online platform and interdisciplinary activities have been organised in the course of the project, which will conclude with a book based on rigorous comparative analyses. The artists involved have contributed by producing and performing in response to the accumulated data, exploring connections between the two fields.
The Atlas (of Creative Mechanisms): [Curating-Conducting] is a PEEK project awarded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and hosted by the Institute of Art Sciences and Art Education, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Doi: 10.55776/AR721