
Th 26.9.2024
5.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

(c) Lisa Jevbratt, Zoomorph – Impareidolia, Random animations, human (li), rabbit (re), 2013/2024
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Interspecies Collaborations

What does Interspecies Art actually mean? And how does Interspecies Art look like in practice? Two artists of the exhibition Start Sniffing provide insights into artistic processes with non-human animals.

In additon to the Zoomorph-app for simulating animal vision, California-based artist Lisa Jevbratt also presents her oft-cited, pioneering project Interspecies Collaboration, which she launched back in 2006 at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Students were invited to collaborate with individuals of other species. In her works, which she views as collaborative systems, both she and the audience become citizen scientists and make discoveries together.

Croatian artist, activist and researcher Ivana Filip also works in interspecies collaborations. In her project FREEROAMING the artist co-created a series of interspecies communication and utopian experiments between humans and cats, while observing a community of free-roaming cats in the Spinut neighbourhood of Split.

Both artists present their long-standing artistic practice and engage in dialogue with each other and with all those interested.

The artist talk is part of the Interspecies Art Hub's "Sniffing Conversations" dialog series, curated by Lisa Jäger, Lena Lieselotte Schuster, and Eva Seiler.

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