Lecture by Ana Jeinić

11. November 2021, 6.30 pm


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Solid Roof, Severe Weather, 2021
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Solid Roof, Severe Weather: Lecture by Ana Jeinić

One thematic focus of the exhibition Solid Roof, Severe Weather is on the audiovisual, essayistic-speculative methods that the presented artists develop to make the continuation of past ideologies, on the one hand, and the visions of a technologically administered city, on the other, tangible and narratable. Thus, not only urban planning strategies, capital flows and algorithms are thematized as agents in our everyday lives, but also the different subject positions from which the future of cities is speculated about. In this context, we will talk with the architectural researcher, educator, curator and utopian Ana Jeinić about different commercial and political visions of the urban futures as well as their underlying conflicts and potentials. 

Ana Jeinić (*1981, SFR Yugoslavia) studied architecture and philosophy in Graz, Venice, and Delft. She was assistant professor at the Institute of Architectural Theory, Art History, and Cultural Studies in Graz (2010–2015) and a guest researcher and lecturer at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (2014). She co-edited the volume Is There (Anti) Neoliberal Architecture? (2013), managed the curatorial project Architecture After The Future (2016/17), led Grazotopia (an experiment in collective utopian urban planning, in the framework of Graz Year of Culture 2020), and published numerous articles, essays, and speculations about architecture, landscape, islands, and utopias. Since June 2021, she is responsible for the architectural program at Forum Stadtpark, Graz. 

*The event will be held in English.

Click here to watch the lecture online.

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