
Sa 9.3.2024
3.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

"Slowly imminent" arranged for the series "Im Zwischenraum" by Nicole Six and Paul Petritsch, Photo: KEX/Wolfgang Thaler
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Slowly Imminent

Unfolding in a hybrid zone between the stage and the exhibition space, a field charged with tension and potential, several performers access the realm of motion within the newly renovated space of Kunsthalle Exnergasse. What happens when bodies merge with objects? When motion breaks stillness and an audience is met in a timeless encounter? Probing the space for what has vanished and what still endures, the performers unlock a dimension where the past and present linger together, where perspectives shift through an obscured reflection, echoing fresh beginnings within the confines of the new space.

Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir, born in Reykjavík (IS), is a dancer and choreographer living in Vienna. In both independent and collaborative constellations, her works navigate the borders of dance and performance, often seeking formats beyond the stage. Her latest performance CUMULUS in collaboration with artist Claudia Lomoschitz premiered at brut Wien in 2022 and has since toured in Austria, Iceland, and will soon in Norway. Andrea has collaborated with many Vienna-based artists such as Doris Uhlich, Alix Eynaudi, Andrea Maurer, Veza Fernandes a.o. She holds a diploma from the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance with a major in choreography. Gunnlaugsdóttir received the 2022 Stipendium für Tanz und Performance and in 2015 the “Start Stipendium” of the Austrian Ministry of Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport.

Concept, choreography: Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir
Performance: Asher O’Gorman, Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir, Julia Müllner
Sound: Hyeji Nam
Costume: Sarah Sternat 

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