We 1.3.2023
6.00 pm - 8.00 pm Hrs
kex—kunsthalle exnergasse
With: Matti Bunzl, Wien Museum, Bogomir Doringer, Nxt Museum, Amsterdam und Aschka/Kopp, Queer Museum Vienna
Moderation: Louise Deininger
Through the openness and permeability of the term "queer", subversive topics and practices such as transmedia, transgenre are illuminated and art is highlighted as a medium for creating a contextual ethical awareness (in social, scientific, political and cultural contexts). Today's global interconnectedness also softens the boundaries of the body context and leads to a new artistic performativity that deals with concepts such as gender, class, ethnicity but also material, technology and social and political issues. Queer art very often works with the argumentative and imaginative potential of the visual and performative, creating heterotopias that confirm the plural approach of the term queer.
Due to the socio-political and cultural-political developments at the end of the 20th century, open queerness became an essential factor in contemporary art and cultural production. However, queer art is still excluded from the hegemonic art market, which is Western, white and male-dominated, and relegated to the "closet" of the subculture.
The moderated Talk will discuss which strategies are necessary or which practices can be applied to make cultural institutions and the urban fabric just as permeable as the term "queer" entails. Personal experiences and stories of the discussants are essential.
With friendly support by:
Kultur im 9. - Alsergrund