18.10. - 13.11.2022
WHAT: Stories, Statements, Artworks, Videos, etc. for the exhibition Queer Art Spaces 2023
WHO: Artists, Individuals, Institutions, Organizations
Tell your story! Storytelling is an important aspect of the exhibition Queer Art Spaces 2023 and we invite you to share yours. Queer Art Spaces Vienna 2023 will take place at the Kunsthalle Exnergasse, WUK Vienna. The opening will be on January 18, 2023 and the exhibition will run for 8 weeks. The exhibition, which is a follow-up of the 2019 exhibition Queer Art Space Vienna will be organized by Louise Deininger, Michael Kaufmann, Gerhard Pruegger, and Francis Ruyter.
Often within the range of queer identities, simply standing ground, holding space, not accepting an alteration to our self-definition, becomes one of the most political actions that we can take in the course of a minute, a day, a lifetime. Speaking our truth, insisting people recognize our partners, chosen families, path in life, self-definition, is where art resonates in our daily lives.
For some this is a practice to strengthen and express individual identity, but it can also be a heroic act by anyone who looks for a way that they, too, are able to hold such space for themselves.
Queer Art Spaces Vienna 2023 honors the way that sharing stories becomes a way to build Queer Spaces, within and outside of artistic practices.
You are invited to submit a statement, a story, an artwork, etc, in any format that you choose. These might include the following topics:
- Breaking barriers
- Building communications
- Having political impact
- Standing ground
- Holding space
- Accessibility & self-care
- Inclusion