(c) Amaya Hernández

Marta Fernández Calvo


Marta Fernández Calvo is a Spanish visual artist and researcher, who lives and works in Madrid. Her situated practice is centred on performativity and the immaterial. She strives to create collective situations of care and reciprocity activated through cooking cultures and storytelling. This engagement and the processes that stem from it translate into ephemeral interventions in art spaces and galleries, public and domestic contexts.

Her work has been featured in exhibitions such as No Soul for Sale at Tate Modern in London, Utopia Station at the 53rd Venice Biennale, and Querer parecer noche at the Centro de Arte de Dos de Mayo in Madrid. Other venues include Victoria & Albert Museum and Delfina Foundation (London, UK), FRAC Lorraine (Metz, FR), La Casa Encendida (Madrid, ES), Via Farini (Milan, IT), Fondazione Bevilacqua La Massa (Venice, IT), Centro Cultural de España (Mexico City, MX), Ex Convento del Carmen (Guadalajara, MX), Wyspa (Gdansk, PL), National Gallery and Arts on Main (Johannesburg, SA), Citè des Arts (Dakar, SG), amongst others.

She obtained her BFA from Cuenca Fine Arts College (UCLM), where she recently completed her PhD with the thesis titled “Surviving the Artistic Event – A Review from Contemporary Artistic Practice of Tactics and Models for the Activation of the Unrepeatable”.

The residency is supported by a grant from Acción Cultural Española -  AC/E.

Marta Fernández Calvo was recommended by Asunción Molinos Gordo.

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