
14.11. - 14.12.2024


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

(c) Eva Giolo. Still from Silent Conversations, 2023
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Living Apart Together

Artists: Rebecca Jane Arthur, Chloë Delanghe, Eva Giolo, Christina Stuhlberger, Branka Benčić, Maggessi/Morusiewicz 

Curator: elephy

Living Apart Together brings audio-visual artworks from Belgium and Austria, with some stops along the way, in correspondence. It looks at how self-images and identity are constructed and performed, and examines the role of everyday habits and objects in this process. In a dialogue between archival collections and contemporary creations from Brussels, Vienna and beyond, past and present meet in a scenography curated by the artists of elephy: an artist-run production platform for moving image founded by Rebecca Jane Arthur, Chloë Delanghe, Eva Giolo, and Christina Stuhlberger that’s committed to creating a space for individual and collective agency within a framework of convivial solidarity. The exhibition cherishes female role models in a patchwork of voices, each individually strengthened and politically activated.

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