
Sa 11.3.2023
6.00 pm - 7.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

© Dorian Bonelli, Frederik Marroquín

In a perfect world you would be my alphabet. Balance.

A movement and object research that combines performance and installation art.

The choreographing sculptures of Frederik Marroquín meet the abstract calligraphy of Dorian Bonelli. In a landscape of objects, they explore the question: What is transformative art?

From whom or what does transformation evolve? Where does movement begin? How can we control the process and where is trust and surrender necessary to take the next step?

The objects in the space are actors in their own right. They guide and touch us as much as we touch them. We approach them with tasks and in improvisations.

How does a physicality behave that actually eludes dualistic logic?

In a perfect world you would be my alphabet. Balance. refers to the queer ability to be both question and answer for each other; to create knowledge and self-expression out of the physical and to transform it into the unknown.

With friendly support by:
Kultur im 9. - Alsergrund

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Der KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE Newsletter informiert im Schnitt zweimal monatlich über das aktuelle Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsprogramm in Kunsthalle Exnergasse und KEX Studio.