
Su 18.10.2020
3.30 pm Hrs


Außerhalb des WUK

Zukunftshof / Haschahof, © Nicolò Degiorgis 2020
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Haschahof on its way to Zukunftshof

Guided tour in the framework of urbanize!2020

KEX in dialogue with Andreas Gugumuck (Zukunftshof)

After being rescued from demolition by the newly founded cooperative “Zukunftshof” (Future Farm), the former agricultural estate Haschahof in Rothneusiedl on Vienna’s southern periphery is currently being transformed into a centre for urban agriculture and interdisciplinary district development for a period of 25 years. Kunsthalle Exnergasse participates in the project by initiating artistic projects on site. On the tour through the Haschahof premises visitors will learn more about the ideas behind the Zukunftshof concept and are invited for discussion.

Language of event: German

In cooperation with urbanize!2020

Register here (limited number of participants)

KEX | RAND at Zukunftshof / Haschahof
Rosiwalgasse 41-43, Rothneusiedl 1100 Vienna, Austria
How to get there:
Take U1 to Alaudagasse and from there bus 16A to Rosiwalgasse, or take U1 to Neulaa and walk about 15 min.

In the framework of KEX | RAND, --this autumn's programme of Kunsthalle Exnergasse focusing on (Vienna's) urban periphery, urban planning and agriculture.

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KEX Residency

Kunsthalle Exnergasse's artist residence and research residence

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Der KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE Newsletter informiert im Schnitt zweimal monatlich über das aktuelle Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsprogramm in Kunsthalle Exnergasse und KEX Studio.