
€ 13 VVK / € 15 AK


Saal und Foyer

Performance, Tanz, TheaterPartyPerformance

GenderCrash 13

GenderCrash, since 2011 the biggest queer feminist party in Vienna, invites you to a programme of performances, concerts, drag, and dance.

Do you still remember how you smiled at your crush at a party and then this object of desire just made fun of you for having persil stuck between your teeth? How embarrassing was that?! Or the other time when you were the star of the dance floor – with toilet paper under your shoe. How you wished the ground would open up and swallow you! And this deep slug from the beer bottle ending with the realisation that cig butts don’t taste all that good. Ouch!

We cannot guarantee that something like this won’t happen to you at the next GenderCrash at WUK, but if it does, don’t worry. Just claim that it was part of the concept: GenderCrash – The Bad Luck Issue!

What we can guarantee is: queer performers, good music, fantastic DJs, and exquisitely tasteful moderation by our two jinxes Denice Bourbon and Dutzi Ijsenhower!

Von 1.3.-15.3. gibt es 10 Vorstellungen, jeweils um 19:30 Uhr

WUK performing arts unterwegs

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Fr 21. / Sa 22. / So 23. März | 19:30 Uhr


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gergő d. farkas: mama

image tanz / Gastspiel

Fr 28. / Sa 29. März | 19:30 Uhr


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