Tue 29th of January - Sat 2nd of March 2019
Mon 28th of January 2019, 7 pm
Fotogalerie Wien
Free admission
The stars look so different tonight
The exhibition title "The stars look so different tonight" can be seen as a metaphor for "wondering" which is the starting point of the human thirst for knowledge. The considered artistic positions share the subjective approach to basic scientific questions as well as the investigation of perception processes and visualization strategies. In the poetic and sensory appropriation of scientific imagery, with fictional or hyperreal staging and speculative laboratories, a new look at the familiar opens up. The objective and sober methods of natural sciences are opposed by an experimental, sometimes playful approach, which grants the objects of investigation their ambivalence and their mystery.
Artists: Anthony Carr (UK), Nikolaus Gansterer (AT), William Mokrynski (UK), Andreas Müller (AT), Anja Nowak (DE/AT), Sheung Yiu (HK)