
Sa 17.12.2022
1.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

© Krista Strandløv Krause
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Uaajeerneq (performance)

Uaajeerneq is an ancient tradition practiced in secret in Greenland after Christian colonization. Connie Kristoffersen has reworked her own Uaajeerneq in which she seems to transform into a being between worlds. It is not until the performer has placed Oqummiaq,a bone or wood piece, in her mouth that boundaries fall apart. Emotions and multiple bodies surface in the play with life: fright, fun and seduction or sexual drive. Expect some confusion. Even the performer becomes confused about who she is and what will arise.

Connie Kristoffersen is based in Horsens, Denmark. She holds a degree in education and finished a degree in acting in 2016 from the National Acting School of Greenland. With many leading roles, Kristoffersen’s experience includes being an actress on stage and in film, tv-host, theater assistant director, coordinator of theater festivals, to name a few. In recent years, Kristoffersen has developed her unique Uaajeerneq (Greenlandic mask dance) performance and holds workshops on the Uaajeerneq tradition.

With friendly support by:
The Finnish Cultural Foundation
Icelandic Visual Art Fund 
Nordic Culture Fund
Nordic Culture Point
The Nordic Institute in Greenland
Frame Contemporary Art, Finland
The Office for Contemporary Art Norway, OCA
Kone Foundation

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