
Thu 17. January 2019 - Sat 19. January 2019


€ 16 | 12



Performance, Tanz, TheaterPerformance

Blind Date in Collaboration with anulla: Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (U.G.A.I.)

Technology transforms how we work: Machines are no longer only able to perform manual labour, they also perform complex cognitive tasks. But what would happen, if bots began to stand up for their own rights?

The Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (U.G.A.I.) is a labour union founded by intelligent machines and systems that, for the first time in its 30-year history, opens its annual general meeting to humans.

In other words, an object performance at the interface of theatre, sound and media art. The "Chair System" chairs the meeting, and various interest groups are represented: From the "Representative of the Committee of Domestic Labour" to the "Senior Advisor of Combat Operations" to the "Ambassador for Health Informatics and Livesupport". They all know that the era of human wage labour is a thing of the past. But the question of whether this generational change should be carried out in dialogue with humans or rather without integrating humans is a hotly debated one - sometimes with high efforts for understanding, sometimes the machines and systems withdraw into their own world of buzzing, humming, beeping. Despite all the differences, however, the labour union agrees: Automated work is work!

"Union of Global Artificial Intelligence" (U.G.A.I.) questions the problematic binarity of utopian and dystopian scenarios: How does the development of artificial intelligence change our idea of work? What social and legal framework conditions are needed in connection with this development—by whom and for whom are they designed.


Union of Global Artificial Intelligence (U.G.A.I.) is a project by Blind Date Collaboration (Alisa Beck, Marie-Christin Rissinger, Frida Robles, Konstantin Wolf) and anulla (Klemens Kohlweis, Anna Lerchbaumer, Andreas Zißler) in collaboration with Fabian Lanzmaier and Claudia Tondl as well as Bernd Backmund, Günther Friesinger, Monika Mokre, Leon Okoth, David Palme, Gustavo Petek, Sophie Resch, Etelka Shenkiházy, Ludwig Technique, Ilona Toller.

anulla - Arbeitsgruppe für Geräuschkultur Joint experimentation is the starting point of their artistic practice. Tones/sounds/noises become tools, materials and objects of discourse. Anulla spans a field between performance, music and visual art. Objects become instruments, balloons turn into performers and field recordings into spatial installations. Together they set themselves the goal not only of exploring the medium of sound as an object of investigation, but also of creating interventions and installations. Klemens Kohlweis studied computer science and abstract painting. He builds objects in which aesthetics and function become blurred, the tool becomes a sculpture, the space an instrument. Anna Lerchbaumer studies Art&Science and video art. She works with video and transforms it through experimental audio tracks. Andreas Zißler studies architecture. In Vienna anulla's works were most recently shown at PFERD, Elektro Gönner, mo.ë and at Zentrale. In 2017 they were guests at the vagenale - Vagen in Germany.  www.anul.la 

Blind Date Collaboration is an open group addressing social issues through an artistic and interdisciplinary approach. Our aim is to create situations, make spaces and find strategies on (site) specific and context-based problematics. We believe in unexpected collaborations! In the sense of a 'conflictual participation' we understand collaboration (as opposed to cooperation) as a form of working together that allows different interests in one place. We come from different professional backgrounds and are convinced that it is essential to confront our own practice with the previously unknown - be it working methods, languages, the view of the world or thematic interests. Moreover we figure it important to use the 'symbolic capital of art' for counter political struggles. The structure of our collective practice is based on the reflexion on a specific topic and context for each work. These can take on different forms ranging from theatrical performances, urban interventions, (sound-)installations and films, to publications, discussion and concert series, exhibitions and festivals etc. www.blinddatecollaboration.org

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