
August - October 2024

Nordbahnhof, Photo: Bik Van der Pol

Bik Van der Pol

KEX Residenz

Bik Van der Pol’s mode of working consists of setting up the conditions for encounter, where they develop a process of working that allows for continuous reconfigurations of places, histories and publics.

During their KEX Residency, Bik Van der Pol will develop the "School of Walking", a series of walks with various experts for the festival urbanize! at the beginning of October. "School of Walking" explores walking as a form of collective reflection against the backdrop of urban and global developments in the city of Vienna

For program details of "School of Walking" by Bik Van der Pol visit: urbanize! 2024

Since 1995, Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol work collaboratively as Bik Van der Pol. They work and live in Rotterdam (NL). 

In cooperation with KÖR Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien Art Vienna, urbanize! Int. Festival für urbane Erkundungen

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