
6.6. - 13.7.2024


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

(c) Sara Shaoul, Nuova Production Still 101, 2019, 6 x 24 inches, C-print, Courtesy of the artist
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

An Entirely New Word

Artists: Joshua Nierodzinski, Željka Blakšić, Sara Shaoul, Enrico Floriddia

Curator: Rashmi Viswanathan 

Four artists explore the dynamics of collectivity and futures as they might exist in our shared imagination, each with their own approach. They offer a multi-perspectival view of the ways we understand our relations to each other and the media structures that amplify, stifle, and liberate our speech. In media explorations rooted in collective practices, the field of participation extends well beyond the walls of the exhibition space. Some look backward, at the languages and media forms that inform our understanding of history. Others, in turn, look forward, at how language might potentially speak a new future. From different perspectives, these artists focus on the most simple of ideas – collective storytelling as a momentary act of liberation.

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