150 Groups
Around 150 groups, initiatives and individuals work in seven self-organised sectors:
Dance/Theatre/Performance, Music, Visual Arts, Workshops, Intercultural initiatives, Socio-political initiatives and Children/Youth.
What they have in common are grassroots democratic decision-making structures and the management of sectoral issues by way of a plenary assembly, which convenes once a month.
In WUK terminology the words “autonomy” and “self-management” refer to all WUK structures and activities outside of the WUK association and WUK Cultural Productions. Around 150 house groups, initiatives, and individuals work in the seven autonomous sectors: Visual Art, Sociopolitical Initiatives, Intercultural Initiatives, Children and Youth, Music, Dance/Theatre/Performance, and Workshops. They have in common a basic democratic decision-making structure and the organisation of internal issues via monthly plenary meetings.
The sectoral meeting is the central platform of self-management. Representatives from the groups and initiatives in each sector come together in a monthly meeting. Here decisions are made about the admission or expulsion of groups, the division of tasks and spaces, and about collective actions.
The meeting determines sectoral regulations and serves as a discussion forum for sectoral and house-related issues. There are two contact persons who are responsible for new requests to the sectors: Whether one is looking for a space, wants to introduce a project for collaboration, or realise a specific project, they must present it directly to this sectoral meeting. Contact with the individual groups must be made directly with them.
The WUK Forum is the coordination, discussion, and advisory committee for the seven sectors and the WUK board members. In the WUK Forum they address issues that concern the entire house and develop recommendations to the board and the individual sectors.
The WUK Forum consists of two delegates from each sector, the board members, the executive management, and representatives from the house magazine WUK Info-Intern. Guests are welcome in the discussion of matters and projects that concern the entire house.