
Mo 26.8.2024
20.00 Uhr


€ 29,40



Ty Segall (c) Den e Segall

Ty Segall

Solo Acoustic

Following 2022’s acoustic introspection opus, “Hello, Hi”, the new album "Three Bells" is a deeper, wilder journey to the center of the self, with Ty using his musical vocabulary with ever-increasing sophistication. "Three Bells" takes Ty Segall’s trips so muchdeeper and farther than they’ve gone before —a masterpiece of personal expression, expressed through words, music and production, parabolically addressing malaise with compassion in a flowing, unstoppable hour-plus of intoxicating sound.

Three Bellsis an obsessive quest for expression. With much of the album being played by Ty in conversation with himself, a decision that further elevates the album’s conception, it answers back to the riptide always pullingTysubconsciously into the depths. Questions we all ask in our own private mirrors are faced down here —and regardless of what the mysterious “Three Bells” mean in the context of thealbum’s libretto, you can be assured thatTy’s ringing them for himself, and for the rest of us in turn. With all fifteen songs brimming with perspectives, shape-shifting incessantly,Typushed them out farther and farther compositionally, challenging theway they’d be played. Each song moves through repetitive, thematic material in its own way, building a claustrophobic/paranoia vibe, cycling bold thrusts forward into ego deaths, the one-step-forward, two-steps-back patterns framing an overriding ask: what we can do to get past the back-and-forth conversation, to arrive at a place of acceptance.


Barrierefrei für Rollstuhlfahrer_innen – um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
Veranstalter: Goodlive Artists Austria GmbH

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